always adv. 1.永远,始终。 2.经常,老是,总是,一直。 3.不断地。 She is always busy. 她总是忙。 You must always bear this in mind. 这一点你要经常记在心里。 Near, always near, he came. 他一步步走过来,愈来愈近了。 almost always 通常。 not always 未必,不一定。
B : it ' s impossible . i was always online 不可能,我一直在线。
286981570 always online , szxq2005 @ 163 . com 286981570全天在线
The system is designed by taking advantages of gps ' s full directions and precision , and the gprs always online with low cost 利用gps全方位高精度的定位特性、 gprs永远在线、按流量计费、低成本的特点,完成实现了车载部分的设计。
Receiving clients can either log on periodically and check for new messages or set up a listener component that is always online awaiting new messages from the provider 接收消息的客户机可以周期性地上线并检查新的消息,或者也可以设立一个侦听器组件,令其一直处于在线状态以等待来自提供者的消息。
We make full use of the user - nas - radius server three - section model to realize authentication , authorization , accounting and location management . so even if the user is in motion , he might be always online 从而,能够对用户进行认证、授权、记账和位置管理,特别是当发生移动时保证通信不被中断,从根本上保障了签约用户的利益。
The system is integrated by gps location system , gprs communication system and gis map system , which takes advantages of gps ' s full directions and precision , the gprs always online and low cost , and gis ' s electronic map 利用gps全方位高精度的定位特性、 gprs永远在线、按流量计费、低成本的特点,设计实现了基于gps / gprs / gis的移动对象监控系统。
The system is designed by taking advantages of gps ' s full directions and precision , and the gprs always online with low cost . because of time the function that finished is limited , but it is the basic skill of a supervising and controlling system of vehicle based on gps 本文以gps技术为基础,结合计算机技术、通讯技术、仿真技术、电机伺服控制技术、单片机技术等多方面技术,研究设计一套能够对移动目标实现自动跟踪的控制系统。
This reduces the system real - time and reliability . after the 2 . 5 generation mobile communication technology gprs brought into market by china mobile corporation , the cost of data transmission has been reduced . because of gprs has characteristics of charge in quantity , always online , lower cost , make it become the best solution of mobile data transmission 在中国移动推出2 . 5代移动通信技术gprs服务之后,借助gprs网络可以使移动数据传输的费用大大降低,因gprs网络具有按流量收费、永远在线、较之sms短信息传输成本低的特点,使其成为一种比较理想的移动数据传输方式。
After the 2 . 5 generation mobile communication technology gprs brought into market by china mobile corporation , the cost of data transmission has been reduced . because of gprs has characteristics of charge in quantity , always online , lower cost , make it become the best solution of mobile data transmission . based on research of gps , gprs , we gave a design of new system as a whole and the implement of design of terminal on car and transmission way of position data 对移动载体的自动跟踪技术是自动控制领域的一个核心问题,在军事上,制导与跟踪都要求装备具有快速、灵活的反应能力,来精确地对移动目标进行定位跟踪的系统;在通信领域,移动载体之间的相互通信和移动载体与静止载体之间的通信都依赖于自动跟踪技术;在天文领域,要研究某一天体的运行规律,就必须对它时刻追踪,将其原有的机械式手动跟踪望远镜改为自动跟踪系统,无疑会大大的节约出人力物力。
After the 2 . 5 generation mobile communication technology gprs brought into market by china mobile corporation , the cost of data transmission has been reduced . because of gprs has characteristics of charge in quantity , always online , lower cost , make it become the best solution of mobile data transmission 在中国移动推出2 . 5代移动通信技术gprs服务之后,借助gprs网络可以使移动数据传输的费用大大降低,因gprs网络具有按流量收费、永远在线、较之sms短信息传输成本低的特点,使其成为一种比较理想的移动数据传输方式。